Hello! Welcome to ourworld!(*≧∀≦)ノ゙
How to save&edit my account?
Follow my instructions!(人・∀・*)

So your ourworld looks like this!~ now look down you'll see the..
'Don't lose your stuff!" and click the "SAVE"
After you click the 'save' now fill the blank:
  • Name of your Character
  • Email
  • Your birthday
  • Password/Confirm Password
After you fill the blank, now look at your character.
Cool right?:D now we're DONE~


Click your character.
Then click your picture.
And your profile will appear.
Now click those 'edit' signs.
And just edit your description write about yourself and stuffs, and what country you came from.
Have fun!

Play ourworld

how to get coins?
Click the game 'The bubler' and click the bubbles '1' or '5' '10' depends on how many flows you have.. and you might get some clothes/shoeses/accessories etc.
and then go to your inventory and click the 'SELL' button.
And if you can't sell your junk items.. then this is your problem~
Did you already verify your email?
cheak my other tutorials you might see the tutorial how to verify email.
SO THIS IS DONE!~ If you're curious about something you can message me here. or just comment down, don't worry I'll try to reply on your message somehow.

Play ourworld

on your crew you can get free 'coin box' or just sell some of your junk items.(*ゝ∀・)
how do you get flow faster?
How can I buy flow batteries? click super store in 'Shops' click 'clothing'>'Special'>'mystery box'
scroll down and you'll see Flow batteries for 36 gems.
How can i get flows from facebook..? I mean how can I connect ourworld to facebook?
Click your level~
and look down, now click the 'connect' and after that facebook will appear and just sign in. if you don't have facebook you should go and sign up.
Now look~ 100% for resident boost,100% for Facebook boost and 30% for outfit boost, total 230% Boost.
By the way you can get a FREE flow battery on your crew, but make sure the all members on your crew are have 4 to 5 stars! to reach the flow battery.
If you want to use flow codes you better go here:


What is super golden key? look at the picture below! so that is looks like, you can get prices when you activated your key and go to Skeleton key dungeon(in Nevermore), you can win gems or mystery boxes or wishing stars etc!!! cool right? BUT!! that's only If you're a Resident or Zoe's club, If you're not then you can't enter the Dungeon!
Where i can find Super golden key? try to check out on this places~
  • The boardwalk
  • Wonderland
  • Electric Avenue
  • Beat Street
I mostly get a Super Golden Mystery Key/Crystal Key.. in Boardwalk and Wonderland!

Play ourworld

I'm not sure If I can help you(;一ω一||).. because on Dance Planet.. the songs are been changed.. so yeah.. I only have 1 solution that maybe can help you! here~

Go to dance planet.
*Sigh(*´Д`)=3* See right? they changed it.. but anyways the song that only REALLY can get you the move 'Genie' is the song called 'I'm not sorry' and It's on the Level 2 or 3(I don't remember which level is it in..)

But try to play this song 'Bye Bye Baby' might work! but I'm not so sure though. but atleast TRY!

Play ourworld

There's a some reasons why you didn't recieve your gems..
I watched the offer video, but I still didn't recieve the gems!?
  • It's maybe because the video vendors do not award gems for players in every country.
Well I can't do anything about that, just refresh your page, and watch another video offer.
So yeah~ that's the only thing I know, but If you have more problems just go on..


Anyways If you need gems go here.
this just a little information, but hope this helped!✧・゚: *✧・゚:* \(◕ω◕✿)/ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧


The thing you gonna do first is~
-Confess to her/him then ask to DATE!(If only s/he likes you too.)
-and send him/her a Gift!
-and also Don't do what s/he dislikes.
That should work? maybe..
(Sorry I'm bad at this, because I've never had a bf.. either dates)
Go in events like there's party,chat parties,needs family parties, and a lot more! just join them.
Have fun!^^
how to become a resident??

So you can buy a resident card in enchantments, just click the shop and you will see It. so yep go to enchantments and click 'Residency', there's 1 month residency for 200 gems, 3 month residency for 500 gems,(If you buy on store you will not recieve any free gems, only If you buy online etc, etc.
If you want to buy online click your account and click 'Became a resident'.
So It's on the picture below, 
Resident 150 gems each month for $5.99 USD everymonth <credit card or paypal>
Resident 1800 gems NOW! for $49.99 USD for 12 MONTHS!! <credit card or paypal etc, etc.>
Then 'cheak out'
Or you can just Buy a gems, 100 gems for $6.00 USD or 700 gems for $20.00 USD,
and 'Cheak out'.

Play ourworld