how to become a resident??

So you can buy a resident card in enchantments, just click the shop and you will see It. so yep go to enchantments and click 'Residency', there's 1 month residency for 200 gems, 3 month residency for 500 gems,(If you buy on store you will not recieve any free gems, only If you buy online etc, etc.
If you want to buy online click your account and click 'Became a resident'.
So It's on the picture below, 
Resident 150 gems each month for $5.99 USD everymonth <credit card or paypal>
Resident 1800 gems NOW! for $49.99 USD for 12 MONTHS!! <credit card or paypal etc, etc.>
Then 'cheak out'
Or you can just Buy a gems, 100 gems for $6.00 USD or 700 gems for $20.00 USD,
and 'Cheak out'.

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