Hi!( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
More about residents..

What residents can do?
  • They can go on the beach, can get mystery keys,can sell/trade items,can make events,and a lot things that can't tourist do.
What residents CAN'T do?
  • Well there's also some things that residents can NOT do. like to change their icons with colors(2013!!) and go to the dungeon that only for (Zoe's club) which is there you can get awesome prices!! Zoe's club is great too! I mean it's cool it's awesome! than being a resident I guess.. but I've never been a zoe's club so I don't really know. but here's some information about Zoe's Club..
click to view
How to became a residents? TELL ME MORE ABOUT IT!
  • You need to pay in ourWorld If you want to became a resident, Here's the tutorial. and here's more information about it.
click to view
Hope that guys helped!~


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