How to buy clothes and stuffs?

First is click the 'Shops'
Now you gonna choose a Designer, you can click the 'Super store'. and If you're looking for Furniture then choose a Designer too, or If you're looking for pets thingy or familiars click the 'Enchantments' on novelty. *and also the 'Marketplace' is for trading other players stuffs!*
Just check them all~
and Have fun!

Play ourworld

How to level up? Like 1..2..100!
Follow my instructions!(人・∀・*)

So look at this picture below, you see 'Level up' It means your flow is enough to reach any levels! Now click it~
After you click it.. Prize central will appear and now choose 'The Prizewheel' or 'The Bubbler' ((the 'Daily Jackpot' is only for residents))
And If you've done choosen your game click the GO button, and If you choose 'The Prizewheel' click the SPIN BUTTON! or If you choose 'The Bubbler' click the BUBBLES! just go!! It's just also a game.

So have fun!

Play ourworld


Go to your condo

How to go on my condo?
Follow my instructions!(人・∀・*)

First is click where place you at.
And look down~ you will see your 'My Condo'.
And done~
By the way, If you want to edit your condo just click the icons on the right side..
If you want to move your furnitures and you don't know how.. click the '?' Question mark sign!

Play ourworld


change language

How to change language in ourworld?
Follow my instructions!(人・∀・*)

First is 'sign out' your account.
After you logging out, on the top on 'Not a member? etc, etc.' click the..
'Select language' 
And now select your country language!